Mohammad Zoynal Abedin, PhD

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, DUET, Gazipur

Professor Dr. Engr. Mohammad Zoynal Abedin, PEng is the Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. Prof. Abedin has been serving as Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at of DUET since 2013. Prior to this, he joined as a Lecturer in 1999, promoted to an Assistant Professor in 2003 and then to an Associate Professor in 2011 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of DUET. He had been serving as the Director of the Consultancy Research & Testing Service (CRTS) of DUET from 2022 to 2024. He was working as a Postdoctoral researcher in the fields of HVAC, SITVC, CFD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University, South Korea from July 2015 to February 2016 and later as a Postdoctoral fellow in the fields of HVAC, heat transfer and bubble dynamics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea from March 2016 to May 2017. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in the fields of Thermo-Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Boundary layer flows and Fluid dynamics from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan in 2010. Earlier he received his M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2004, and his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1998. He has vast and diversified research expertise in the fields of (1) Convective heat transfer and Thermo-solutal convection, (2) Turbulence, Boundary layer flows and Fluid dynamics, (3) Secondary Injection Thrust Vector Control (SITVC), Propulsion and Gas dynamics, (4) Two-phase flows, Boiling and Bubble dynamics, (5) Alternative fuels and Energy, (6) HVAC, (7) Computational Heat and Fluid Flow, (8) Fire dynamics and Safety Engineering, (9) Waste management, Recovery and Energy Production (10) CFD and Parallel Computing. Prof. Abedin is seen to be involved not only in securing a significant position for the publications of national and international journals and conference papers based on his research expertise but also in the writing of technical and non-technical papers and topics in various mediums in order to be aware of the betterment of society. He has more than 60 papers published in international journals (40 papers) and conferences (20 papers). Prof. Dr. Engr. Mohammad Zoynal Abedin, PEng is also seen to be involved as a technical expert and consultant in the design, consultancy, commissioning and supervision of Mechanical and Electrical Plumbing (MEP), and Fire safety and Energy management systems in various projects at home and abroad. Therefore, the main theme of Prof. Abedin's life is to lead the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for the betterment of society.

Thinking and Exploring the creations of the Almighty Allah Designing the MEP Project and Contributing to the society for the betterment of the huminity

My Educational Qualification:

# Degree Institution Passing Year Discipline & Fields
1 PhD Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan 2010 Mechanical Engineering
2 M.Sc. in Eng. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 2004 Mechanical Engineering
3 B.Sc. in Eng. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 1998 Mechanical Engineering
4 HSC Chattogram Government College, Chattogram 1991 Science
5 SSC Dhurung Ideal High School, Kutubdia, Cox'sBazar 1989 Science
6 PSC Chor Dhurung Government Primary School, North Dhurung, Kutubdia, Cox'sBazar 1983 General

My Career:

# Designation Institute Duration
1 Vice-Chancellor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2024-10-21 : Continue
2 Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2013-04-15 : Continue
3 Associate Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2011-05-15 : 2013-04-14
4 Assistant Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2004-04-01 : 2011-05-14
5 Lecturer Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 1999-05-17 : 2004-03-31
6 Adjunct Professor Islamic University of Technology, Board Bazar, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2018-01-01 : 2022-05-31
7 Adjunct Professor Military Institute of Science and Technology, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2021-01-01 : 2021-12-31
8 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea 2015-07-01 : 2016-02-29
9 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea 2016-03-01 : 2017-05-31
10 Adjunct Professor International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2000-01-02 : 2006-07-27
11 Technical Expert and External Member of Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) Bangladesh Government (BG) Press 2021-01-01 : Continue
12 Chairman of various Technical Sub-Committee of Mechanical Engineering Systems Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), Dhaka 2019-05-15 : Continue
13 Member of the Technical Divisional Committee of Mechanical Engineering Systems Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), Dhaka 2019-05-15 : Continue

Additional Charges:

# Faculty/ Department/ Institute/ Office Designation Duration
1 Consultancy Research & Testing Service Director 2022-02-08 : 2024-02-19
2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Dean 2017-06-14 : 2019-06-13
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering Head 2019-05-15 : 2021-05-14
4 Syndicate Member 2018-12-19 : 2019-06-13
5 Dr. Fazlur Rahman Khan Hall Assistant Provost 2006-01-01 : 2006-07-27
6 Department of Mechanical Engineering Head 2023-03-20 : 2023-04-03

My Memberships:

# Type Organization Membership Code
1 Member Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board (BPERB) of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh [IEB] Professional Engineer [PEng] in Bangladesh [PEng-02/0066/21]
2 Fellow Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh [IEB] Life Fellow-10874
3 Member Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineers [BSME] BSME-2003
4 Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers [ASME] ASME-2010
5 Member Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers [JSME] JSME-2010
6 Member Japan Society of Polymer Processing [JSPP] JSPP-2010

My Awards:

# Title Event Year
1 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea 2016
2 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea 2015
3 Hori Information Science Promotion Foundation Scholarship Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan 2009
4 Monbukagakusho/Monbusho Scholarship Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan 2006

My Conducted Courses:

# Programme Course No Course Title Year
1 B.Sc. ME-1503 Basic Thermodynamics 1999-2006, 2010-2016 & 2017-2020
2 B.Sc. ME-1504 Basic Thermodynamics Sessional 1999-2006, 2010-2016 & 2017-2020
3 B.Sc. ME-2101 Thermofluid Mechanics 1999-2006
4 B.Sc. ME-2102 Thermofluid Mechanics Sessional 1999-2006
5 B.Sc. ME-2501 Basic Thermodynamics 1999-2006, 2010-2016 & 2017-2020
6 B.Sc. ME-2502 Basic Thermodynamics Sessional 1999-2006, 2010-2016 & 2017-2020
7 B.Sc. ME-3101 Fluid Mechanics 1999-2006 & 2010-2015
8 B.Sc. ME-3102 Fluid Mechanics Sessional 1999-2006 & 2010-2015
9 B.Sc. ME-3501 Heat Transfer 1999-2006, 2010-2015
10 B.Sc. ME-3502 Heat Transfer Sessional 1999-2006, 2010-2015
11 B.Sc. ME-3103 Fluid Mechanics & Machinery 1999-2006 & 2010-2015
12 B.Sc. ME-3104 Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Sessional 1999-2006 & 2010-2015
13 B.Sc. ME-3401 Mechanics of Machinery 1999-2006
14 B.Sc. ME-3402 Mechanics of Machinery Sessional 1999-2006
15 B.Sc. ME-4000 Project & Thesis 1999-2006, 2010-2015 & 2017-To date
16 B.Sc. ME-4501 Applied Thermodynamics 2017-2020
17 B.Sc. ME-4502 Applied Thermodynamics Sessional 2017-2020
18 B.Sc. ME-4503 Heat & Mass Transfer 1999-2006, 2010-2015 & 2017-2020
19 B.Sc. ME-4504 Heat & Mass Transfer Sessional 1999-2006, 2010-2015 & 2017-2020
20 B.Sc. ME-4507 Refrigeration and Air conditioning 1999-2006, 2010-2015, 2017-to date
21 B.Sc. ME-4508 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Sessional 1999-2006, 2010-2015, 2017-to date
22 B.Sc. ME-4509 Automobile Engineering 1999-2006
23 M.Sc. ME-6104 Computational Fluid Dynamics 2010-2017
24 M.Sc. ME-6106 Advanced Aerodynamics 2017-2020
25 M.Sc. ME-6401 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics 2022-2023
26 M.Sc. ME-6402 Advanced Heat Transfer 2021-2022
27 M.Sc. ME-6407 Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer 2017-2020
28 M.Sc. ME-6410 HVAC Fundamental & Applications 2017-2020
29 M.Sc. ME-6411 HVAC System and Equipments 2017-2020
30 M.Sc. ME-6414 Advanced Convection Heat Transfer 2022-2023
31 M.Sc. ME-6418 Heat Transfer Enhancement 2017-2021
32 M.Sc. ME-6421 Waste Management and Energy Production 2020-2022
33 M.Sc. ME-6602 Advanced Numerical Analysis 2004-2006

My Students:

# Programme Awarded Students Running Students Student Details
1 B.Sc. 200 6
2 M.Sc. 16 6 Completed Students:
(1) Md. Mashud Rana
Completion Date: 15 April 2014
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(2) Md. Hasibur Rahman
Completion Date: 15 April 2014
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(3) Md. Wazihur Rahman
Completion Date: 15 April 2014
Present Position: Employee in a Government Organization

(4) Md. Abu Hanif
Completion Date: 06 July 2015
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(5) Md. Jahangir Alam
Completion Date: 07 February 2021
Present Position: Technical Officer in the Mechanical Engineering Department of DUET, Gazipur

(6) Md. Shahadot Hoshen
Completion Date: on 22 February 2021
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(7) Md. Omar Faruque [ID: 16203053-P]
Completion Date: 01 April 2021
Present Position: Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka

(8) Shazzad Hossain
Completion Date: 16 June 2021
Present Position: Technical Officer in the Industrial and Production Engineering Department of DUET, Gazipur

(9) Rezaul Karim Sikder [ID: 15203041-F]
Completion Date: 17 June 2021
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(10) Saddam Hossen [ID: 17203005]
Completion Date: 23 March 2022
Present Position: Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of DUET, Gazipur

(11) Jungko Moni Chakma [ID: 17203014]
Completion Date: 17 November 2022
Present Position: Procurement Officer in the Office of the Planning and Development of DUET, Gazipur

(12) Md. Nurul Hoda Sanid [ID: 15203038-F]
Title: Energetic and energetic analysis of boiler feed water system with deaerator in steam power plant.
Completion Date: 04 December 2023
Present Position: Sub-Divisional Engineer, Ghorashal 210 MW Steam Power Plant, Bangladesh Power Development Board

(13) Md. Sarwar Parvez Quaderi [ID: 15203019-P]
Title: Effect of hot dip galvanizing on chemical and mechanical properties of mild steels
Completion Date: 18 Dec 2023
Present Position: Assistant General Manager (AGM), Bangladesh Machine Tools Factory (BMTF) Limited, Joydevpur, Gazipur

(14) Mobarak Hossain [ID: 16203020-P]
Title: Effect of hot dip galvanizing on microstructures and mechanical properties of low carbon and middle carbon steels
Completion Date: 03 January 2024
Present Position: General Manager (GM), Atlanta Steel Limited, Savar

(15) Shamsul Alam [ID: 16203034-P]
Title: Experimental Investigation of Air-side Heat Transfer Enhancement
in a Cylindrical Pipe With Annular Fin
Completion Date: 24 March 2024
Present Position: Section Manager, Young Optics BD Limited, Dhaka, EPZ, Savar, Dhaka

(16) Name: Md. Abdullah [ID: 19203040-P]
Title: Numerical Investigation of Winglet Effects on Aerodynamic Performance of Aircraft Wings with NACA 4418
Completion Date: 05 June 2024
Present Position: Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

(17) Name: Mohammad Monirul Kabir Mdridha [ID: 15203049-P]
Title: Techno-Economical Performance Evaluation of Advanced
Cement Grinding Systems
Completion Date: 23 September 2024
Present Position: Country Manager-Bangladesh, AUMUND Asis H.K Ltd., HONG KONG

Running Students:
(1) Babul Ahmmed [ID: 16203021-P]

(2) Md. Noor Uddin [ID: 16203007-P]

(3) Md. Shariar Kobir [ID: 16203049-P]

(4) Md. Johir Uddin [ID: 19203045-P]

(5) Md. Abdur Rahman Roni [ID: 20203034-P]

(6) Md. Farhad Hossain [ID: 19203029]
3 M. Eng. 3 0 Completed Students:
(1) Md. Nurul Islam
Completion Date: 18 February 2021
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(2) Md. Alauddin Sarder [ID: 142340-P]
Completion Date: 13 June 2021
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

(3) Md. Alim Badsha [ID: 15203050-P]
Completion Date: 23 June 2021
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization
4 PhD 1 5 Completed Student:
(1) Student Name: Brigadier General Md. Sanuwar Uddin, psc, ndc, PEng [ID: 16103002-P]
Completion Date: 27 April 2022
Title: Development and characterization of plastic waste-turned polymer tiles with antiviral agents
Present Position: Commandant in the EME Center and School at Saidpur Cantonment, Saidpur, Bangladesh

Running Students:
(1) Student Name: Brigadier General Md. Omar faroque [ID: 19103003]
Present Position: Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh

(2) Student Name: Md Wazihur Munim [ID: 16103003-P]
Present Position: Manager of Mechanical Services at Rooppur Power Plant, Pabna, Bangladesh

(3) Student Name: Rezaul Karim Sikder [20103001-P]
Present Position: Manager of Mechanical Services at Summit Power Limited, Chandpur, Bangladesh

(4) Md. Saadbin Chowdhury [ID: 21103001P]
Present Position: Assistant Manager of Mechanical Services at Rooppur Power Plant, Pabna, Bangladesh

(5) Md. Shahadot Hoshen [ID: 21103004P]
Present Position: Employee in a Non-Government Organization

Other Activities:

# Title Organization Role Fund
1 Research Grant UGC Lead Researcher BDT. 2,75,000.00
2 Research Grant Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea Researcher BDT. 12,00,000.00
3 Research Grant Hori Foundation of Japan Researcher BDT. 3,00,000.00

Other Participation:

# Event Organizer Role Year
1 1st International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Engineering 2022 (ICMMPE 2022) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Co-Chair, Technical Committee 2022
2 1st International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Engineering 2022 (ICMMPE 2022) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Session Chair 2022
3 International Conference on Engineering Materials and Manufacture 2021 (ICEMM 2021) IJEMM, Kualalumpur, Malaysia Session Chair 2021
4 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Renewable Energy 2021 (ICMERE 2021) Department of Mechanical Engineering, CUET, Chattogram, Bangladesh Session Chair 2021
5 Training on Smart Printing Technology for the Employees of Bangladesh Government (BG) Press, Dhaka, Bangladesh Ministry of Establishment, Bangladesh Trainer 2021
6 International Conference on Engineering Materials and Manufacture, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 May 2021 Kualalumpur, Malaysia Co-Author and Participant 2021
7 Int. Conference on Engineering Materials and Manufacture, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 May 2021 Kualalumpur, Malaysia Co-Author and Participant 2021
8 8th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Brunei Darussalam, 08-10 November 2021 Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam Co-Author and Participant 2021
9 Training on the Recent HVAC Technology for the Engineers of Kazi Firm, Bangladesh Institute of Energy Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Trainer 2019
10 3rd International Conference on Composite Material, Polymer Science and Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok, Thailand Co-Author and Participant 2019
11 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh Co-Author and Participant 2016
12 15th Annual Paper Meet 2013, Mechanical Engineering Division, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh Mechanical Engineering Division, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh Co-Author and Participant 2013
13 International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation 2013 (I3CIA 2013) from 14-16 November 2013 Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Session Chair 2013
14 Training on Smart Board Technology for the Faculty Members of Mechanical Engineering Department of DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Department of Mechanical Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Trainer 2013
15 International Conference on Industrial Waste Management and Process Efficiency 2012 (IWMPE 2012) from 12-14 November 2012 Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP: CP259), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh Session Chair 2012
16 8th KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference, Inchon, South Korea KSME-JSME, South Korea Co-Author and Presenter 2012
17 1st Int. Conf. Mech. Engg. Renewable Energy, CUET, Chittagong Department of Mechanical Engineering, CUET, Chittagong Co-Author and Participant 2011
18 47th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Hokkaido Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) Co-Author and Presenter 2010
19 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Antalya, Turkey Antalya, Turkey Co-Author and Presenter 2010
20 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Washington DC, USA Washington DC, USA Co-Author and Presenter 2010
21 13 Asian Congress Fluid Mechanics, IUT, Dhaka, Bangladesh IUT, Dhaka, Bangladesh Co-Author and Presenter 2010
22 58th Annual Paper Meet in Tokai Branch, Gifu, Japan Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), Gifu, Japan Co-Author and Presenter 2009
23 46th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, Kyoto Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) Co-Author and Presenter 2009
24 31st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India Co-Author and Participant 2004
25 4th International Mechanical Engineering Conference and 9th Annual Paper Meet Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Co-Author and Presenter 2004

Other Information:

I have been involved in the works of consultancy, research and testing services for the community-related MEP projects in the national and international levels.